Access to our BWC Group Rating to provide potential savings to your company
The opportunity to participate in the Safety Council Rebate Program from the Bureau of Workers' Compensation
Safety Consulting Services
Full training programs in selected areas, meeting OSHA requirements, are available for training your employees
Free access to SCNWO’s Safety Online Streaming videos from Streamery for your safety meetings and employee training
Seminars and workshops are conducted on timely safety and health issues
Discounts on registration fees on all safety-training sessions offered at SCNWO. Training courses are adaptable for your specific needs and are conducted at our facility on a regular basis or they can be conducted on-site at your facility
Networking with companies to learn how they’re handling important safety/health/environmental issues
Monthly luncheons to get a “heads up” on important compliance issues you need to take action on and reduce the chance of costly fines
Monthly flyers highlighting safety events and training classes, Weekly Safety Tip & Share emails concerning current safety topics
Assistance with all your safety compliance issues
Technical assistance for on-the-job safety and health