Walking/Working Surfaces 1910 General Industry Subpart D

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Safety Council of Northwest Ohio
8015 Rinker Pointe Court
Northwood, OH 43619
Starting at: $100.00
This program discusses OSHA’s new requirements for 1910 General Industry under Walking/Working Surfaces Subpart D
Included in the program will be general requirements for Walking/Working Surfaces, Ladders, Stairways, Scaffolds and Rope Descent Systems; Employers Duty to Have Fall Protection and Falling Object Protection; Criteria and Practices for Fall Protection Systems and Falling Object Protection, and Training Requirements.
Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on activities.
A live demonstration of Personal Fall Arrest Systems is planned.
Cost: Members: $100.00 per person
Non-members: $200 per person
Cancellations less than 24 hours in advance and no-shows are responsible for the full registration fees. Substitutions may be made at anytime. Non-members must prepay to register.