SIF: Serious Injury or Fatality

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Safety Council of Northwest Ohio
8015 Rinker Pointe Court
Northwood, OH 43619
Instructor: David A. Varwig, MA, CSP, CSHM, CUSA, LSE
Safety Professional & Organizational Effectiveness Consultant
Starting at: $150.00
Course of Instruction involves: A 4-Hour training session
● Explains the subject matter in detail, exactly what can be done to prevent a SIF through the use of a 24 page guide that will be provided, titled: SIF (Serious Injury & Fatality) Prevention Guide in Support of LSRs, Life Saving Rules.
Topics addressed include: Significant Hazards, Hazardous Energies, High Risk Activities, Preventive Measures, SIF Exposure Equation & Flowchart, Human Performance Improvement (HPI), Critical Steps, The Hierarchy of Controls, Safeguards & Multiple Layers of Protection, 9 Life Saving Rules related topics. Also included will be a review of a model on the elements of SAFE WORK, SIF literature, and background on the “Accident Pyramid.”
Cost: Members: $150.00
Non-Members: $200.00
Cancellations less than 24 hours in advance and no-shows are responsible for the full registration fees. Substitutions may be made at anytime. Non-members must prepay to register.