HPI: Human Performance Improvement

9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. each day
Safety Council of Northwest Ohio
8015 Rinker Pointe Court
Northwood, OH 43619
Instructor: David A. Varwig, MA, CSP, CSHM, CUSA, LSE
Safety Professional & Organizational Effectiveness Consultant
Starting at: $75.00
Behavior is what people do . . . Results are achieved by behaviors, the mental and physical efforts --- of a human --- to “perform” and produce desired or targeted outcomes.
Course urse of Instruction involves: Three 2-Hour modules on:
● HPI in a Nutshell to understand the fundamentals of HPI
● HPI Tools: HERTs (Human Error Reduction Tools & Techniques) & Critical Steps and the SAFER Model to manage and
mitigate high risk.
● Cognitive Biases (Inattention Blindness, Common Sense, Optimism Bias) & Hu Review for Root Cause Analysis and Shared Accountability Review
Cost: Members: $75.00 per module
Non-Members: $125.00 per module
Cancellations less than 24 hours in advance and no-shows are responsible for the full registration fees. Substitutions may be made at anytime. Non-members must prepay to register.