Learn More About The Safety Council

Our Mission: The Safety Council, with its network of members, enhances the quality of life by providing educational programs and services that improve the safety, health and environment within our community.
Our Vision: The premier provider of safety, health and environmental services for the workplace and the community.
The Safety Council was chartered in 1960 with a mission to improve the quality of life through safety enhancements, personal health, the economy and the environment by providing education and resources to Northwest Ohio.
Our board of directors is composed of volunteers from the public, judicial, law enforcement, fire and rescue, medical, academia and the private sectors in our region.
The Safety Council is a 501 (C-3) non-profit, community-based organization that has established integrity and trust in our service to the community and the delivery of our training programs at a very reasonable cost that meet and exceed OSHA standards.
The Safety Council Members Benefits:
- Members are eligible for our reduced workers’ compensation group rating to provide potential savings to your company.
- Free video streaming service
- Receive discounts on training courses.
- Take advantage of consultation and information services for occupational safety and health as well as off-the-job safety.
- OSHA 10-hour and 30-hour compliance training.
- DOT training.
- First aid/CPR/AED training.
The monies that are derived from these venues are then used to sponsor:
- Annual Hero Awards Banquet for the past 54 years.
- The Safety Council is also certified through the State of Ohio to offer Defensive Driving and Remedial Driving Programs.
- The Remedial programs are designed for the 16- and 17-year-olds with two traffic convictions as well as the 8-hour program for adults in compliance for the 12-point suspension, 2-point credit and court referrals and out of state violators.
- The 4-hour and 8-hour Defensive Driving Programs is a driver-training standard for companies, associations and government organizations nationwide, for insurance discounts and to satisfy company policy.
Your Safety Resource
Through membership dues, participation in training programs and other activities, support from northwest Ohio businesses, industries, organizations and individuals, The Safety Council has become one of the largest and most effective safety organizations in the country.
The Safety Council is also a chartered member of the American Association of Safety Councils with the opportunity for our members to have access to resources throughout the United States.
The Safety Council is also a "Super Center" for the purchase of J.J. Keller, American Safety & Health Institute and Coaching Systems, LLC training and education materials. Ordering materials from The Safety Council gives you guaranteed satisfaction and prompt service.
Thanks for visiting our website and join us in promoting our statement – "To Make Life Last … Put Safety First.”