Just Culture

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. each day
Safety Council of Northwest Ohio
8015 Rinker Pointe Court
Northwood, OH 43619
Instructor: David A. Varwig, MA, CSP, CSHM, CUSA, LSE
Safety Professional & Organizational Effectiveness Consultant
Starting at: $95.00
People will never perform better than what the Organization enables and what Leadership communicates on its safety expectations (that is, the culture for human performance), and follows through with known consequences for not working to safety requirements.
Course of Instruction involves: Three 3-Hour training modules:
● Just Culture Overview including 6 question discussion exercises to evaluate yours.
● Shared (Safety) Accountability Process applied to Unsafe Acts and Violations (in an interactive student exercise)
● JC Protocols for Incident Investigation and Lessons Learned Reviews
Cost: Members: $95.00 per module
Non-Members: $145.00 per module
Cancellations less than 24 hours in advance and no-shows are responsible for the full registration fees. Substitutions may be made at anytime. Non-members must prepay to register.