56th Hero Awards Banquet

Doors open at 5:30 p.m. / Dinner served at 6:30 p.m.
You are cordially invited to join the Safety Council in recognizing those who have gone above and beyond normal expectations to help another person - and in some instances risking their own lives. This is definitely a feel good evening, so please come honor them and be part of this positive, uplifting experience.
The Award Winner and One Guest receive a complimentary dinner.
Would you be willing to Sponsor Our 56th Hero Awards Banquet? The Safety Council is seeking individuals or organizations who would like to help recognize those who gave of themselves to save the life of another. Become a Sponsor today.
• Prominent recognition with company logo on all written communication to the members and public, including official program.
• Website front page listing with company logo.
• Two (2) tables for ten persons each at the Hero Awards Banquet.
• Representative presentation at the Awards Banquet
• Recognition with company logo on all written communication to the members and public, including official program.
• Website front page listing with company logo.
• One (1) table for ten persons at the Hero Awards Banquet.
• Recognition with company logo on all written communication to the members and public, including official program.
• Website front page listing with company logo.
• Four (4) reserved seats.
• Recognition with company logo on all written communication to the members and public, including official program.
• Two (2) reserved seats.
• You or your organization will be recognized in the official program as a Hero Sponsor.
Please email your logo to safetycouncil@scnwo.com